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Evan Peters is an American actor.
Early accomplishments
Evan got introduced to the movie and television industry in 2004 through his roles in the movie Clipping Adam and television series The Days. Prior to this time, he had featured in a few commercials. His outstanding performance in Clipping Adam earned him a Phoenix Film Festival Award.
Best Known For
Evan has received the most fame and recognition through his roles in the American Horror Story series. You may also know him as Quicksilver from X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Sexual Orientation
Evan is straight. Right from 2012, after starring the movie Adult World, Evan has been in an on and off relationship cycle with his co-actor Emma Roberts. Within 5 years, their relationship has contained 2 break-ups, an engagement and a domestic abuse arrest.
Religious Belief
As a child, Evan was raised in a Catholic background and even attended a Catholic school. Throughout his career, he has not been outspoken about his beliefs, therefore, we cannot adequately affirm if he has stuck to his roots or is no longer religious. (Source:, 15/11/2015)
Worth to Know
Evan's middle name is Thomas.
Before he featured on the American Horror Story, Evan completely detested horror movies, it always freaked him out. The series definitely changed his opinion as it made him fall in love with horror.
Though Evan attends parties, he is not much of a party freak.
He is said to wear shoe size 9 or 10 US. But it is not confirmed.